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sonu goswami viral video

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 sonu goswami viral video

Sonu Goswami, a small town man from India, has become an internet sensation overnight with his viral video. The 22-year-old video creator shared a clip on social media platforms, which shows him performing dangerous stunts on a moving train. The video quickly went viral, garnering millions of views, likes, and shares across multiple platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

sonu goswami viral video

In the viral video, Sonu can be seen performing daredevil stunts on the roof of a moving train, risking his life to thrill the audience. He jumps from one carriage to another, somersaults, and even balances on the edge of a train while it’s in motion. The video has created a huge buzz online, with many people praising Sonu’s courage and bravery.
However, the video has also drawn a lot of flak and criticism from people who consider such stunts as dangerous and irresponsible. They argue that such behavior is illegal and puts the lives of not only the performer but also other passengers at risk.
Despite the criticism, Sonu remains undeterred and continues to share his videos with his ever-growing fan base. He believes that performing stunts is his passion and hopes to use his fame to inspire others to follow their dreams.

sonu goswami viral video

In conclusion, Sonu Goswami’s viral video has captured the attention of millions around the world. While some applaud his bravado, others condemn his recklessness. Whatever the case may be, it is important to remember that taking unnecessary risks and endangering oneself and others is never a good thing.

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